Managing Schools the Smarter Way...
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Importance Of Social Media In Schools

About 8 out of 10 teenagers hold at least one social media account; Instagram, Snap-chat, Twitter, Facebook etc. This plays a role in  the lives of most primary and secondary school students. And while much attention has been paid to the negative effects of social...

Learning with Technology Outside the Classroom

Technology has made is possible for teaching and learning to continue beyond the classroom. It is necessary for learning to be possible in any environment because sadly, learning with technology in the classroom is rare and one of the last...

SAFSMS&You: Principal

The principal has administrative authority over the activities of the school. This means on SAFSMS, he gets the monitor the activities of users (staff) to ensure productivity. The principal can Make comments on students’ performances, in...

Grade Book: SAFSMS New Update

The SAFSMS Grade Book App Feature captures subject assessments that have been taken over the entire period of a term. This feature (accessed solely by a subject teacher), allows the configuration of as many tests or assessments as desired for each subject....