Tough times don’t last but tough people do.

When we think of how to survive tough times, we think sacrifices. But the truth is, sacrifices are always going to be made across all members of the family. But should these budgets cuts within the family affect children? Yes & No. Well to answer this question properly we’re going to have to explore the options available to parents. “Sometimes the only path to take is the one left open to you.”

Now more than ever, the average family has to be critical of where each hard earned naira is being spent.

The recent trend sparked by the downtrodden economy has forced many parents to withdraw their wards from private schools. This may not always be in the best interest of children, as prices don’t always translate to value.

The little Costs

Many times over parents fail to consider the minor details. A public school with a large population of students may have better facilities and more capable staff than the private school with a handful of students.

Vice versa the cost of everyday transportation to a public school may overshadow the price of a private boarding school. These little everyday costs added up can have a big impact on the balance sheets of hardworking mommys and daddys.

In a time where there are limitless options of schools parents now have more choice. The market allows them to pick out the best from the pool of schools within their income ratios.

Weighing the Pros vs. Cons

Why you shouldn’t rush to withdraw your ward from school? Children are fragile, and adults most important moments often date back to childhood. The devastating effects of plucking children from a safe environment they have grown accustomed to can leave scars on morale and self-esteem long into their teenage and adult years.

A child’s exposure to a certain environment may justify the termly fees and might save them from many of the challenges their peers may have had to go through. True. A school which uses an online school management software is surely going to be more valuable and so, more expensive than another with just the basic IT facilities. True. But, even so price should almost never be an endorsement of services.

In a neighborhood facing security challenges the smarter option is to enroll wards in a school where you have peace of mind, if that means paying a little more, then that added cost is justified. After all what is more important than the safety of your little boys and girl.

Involve them in decision making

Parents need to ask the only people who can guarantee the success of the investment. Parents need to start opening up to their children, they should have a say in the final outcome of whatever decision you are planning to take. They have a right to know what’s happening, especially when it directly affects them.

The kinds of other students they have daily interactions with must also factor in the school picking process, we wouldn’t want them picking up nasty habits and bad English. This is especially true of young children who still have a blurry interpretation of black and white.

Children are our priority

If not public and private schools why not home-school? It’s an alternative parents should be looking into. We have to realize that no amount of money is too much for the future of our children.

They are well worth these sacrifices, but parents have to be smart in their spending to ensure the greatest value for money. Until better times come, parents listen to your children, they are the leaders of tomorrow.

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