Editor’s Note
In striving to serve you better, the SAFSMS team has evaluated
your most FAQs this period and highlighted steps to guide you.
Find these and more updates in this edition. Enjoy.

Support Report

In this edition, we would be looking at 2 Frequently Asked Questions
and how best to tackle them.
Do You Enjoy Our Newsletters?
As our esteemed customers, your satisfaction is important to us. Do tell us what you think about our newsletter so, we can serve you better by providing you with upto date news on SAFSMS and other important information that would ease your processes.
Take a couple of minutes to tell us how well we are doing.
SAFSMS School of the Month
A peak at the top schools with the highest SAFSMS use for September and October.
Short Story: The Biological Garden
The biological garden had suddenly become an eyesore. The fountain once filled with water have been replaced with mold and algae, the different types of fish and other life forms that graced it have been replaced with dry leaves, sticks and stones. Abubakr stood lost in thought as to what came about this edifice that was once glorious.

Improvement and Fixes

Retired Features
- External Exams and Results feature.
- Videos and Photos feature.
- Database backup feature.
- Medical Incidence feature.
- Email Verification button on the home page.
We’ve got everything working better, just for you.
- Admin can view the number of children under a
particular parent. - User Interface for Pocket Money Expense Category
now available. - School fees payment shows “Created By”.
- Email verification page to reflects the real time email

Also inside…
Innovative Teaching Methods

Capturing your students attention and leaving a lasting impression can be a bit challenging. To tackle this challenge effectively, you need to embrace and implement innovative ideas in your classroom.
Here are Innovative teaching methods to make the classroom more fun for your students.
Quiz Yourself
Want a free data bundle? Answer our Quiz and submit your answers to newsletter.safsms@flexisaf.com.
First 3 correct submissions win!
Answer to previous quiz: 141
Quiz answers & Winners will be announced in the next edition. Goodluck!