One of the challenges of the 21st century for educations is the role of technology in the classroom. Technology has now occupied the centre stage and continues to have a strong influence on everyday life. It is therefore important for teachers to educate students to leverage the best ways possible to use digital resources online and via new devices readily available for learning. To achieve that, we bring to you the top skills for modern teachers.
Despite the fact that Internet and smartphones can cause distractions in the classroom, teachers can play a vital role in teaching students how to use technology in the classroom effectively.
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Here are 10 (ten) of the skills needed by modern teachers of any grade level in today’s classroom.
1. Online Collaboration
Creating and sharing a YouTube video of a classroom experiment or using blogs to teach the fundamentals of trigonometry, teachers can work together and gain peer support through collaboration on the web.
2. Time Management
Teachers these days have to cover more materials and take on more responsibility, it’s critical to use every minute efficiently. Planning for breaks as well as lessons can help classrooms stay on schedule consistently.
3. Organization
Organization is key for effective creation of appropriate lesson plans and also classroom materials. Organisation pays off in the long run by saving teachers time and allowing them focus more on content delivery to students.
4. Creativity
Students will appreciate creative ways to prepare for their exams that meet multiple learning styles at once.
5. Constant Learning
Teachers can use the numerous online resources readily available for educators to stay up to date on the newest trends in their field.
6. Adaptability
Modern teachers need to adapt to the constantly changing education environment. This skill is critical for keeping up with new learning styles as well.
7. Technology Fundamentals
Word processors, spreadsheets, and email may seem like the absolute basics of the digital age, but learning the ins and outs of these software can help save teachers time and allow easier organization. Learning how to search the web effectively is also great way for educators to find the best results.
8. Patience
Patience has been critical for educators from the beginning of time, but it’s never been more important than in the hectic age of today!
9. Communication
With school websites, homework portals, and email, parents and teachers have a more open line of communication than ever before. Educators should be sure to have a plan with the school for healthy communication policies.
10. Resourcefulness
Teachers have to be resourceful innovators, now more than ever. Modern educators know how to make the best lesson out of whatever resources they have at hand.
Recommended: For the resourceful teacher, Download this Free Guide to using Classroom Technology on a Budget
So tell us, what other skill do you think a modern teacher ought to have?