Social media often gets a bad image, especially the use of social media in the classroom. We’ve posted before about the effects of Social Media in schools. Twitter in particular is increasingly common for kids and adults alike, with over 328 million active monthly users of all ages.

In this light, here are 6 recommended ways teachers and students can exchange vital information on Twitter:

  1. Have designated students tweet what they learned that day. This practice gives students at any age a chance to reflect on their own education and then summarize it succinctly.
  2. Find a student doing good and tweet it so that others can see, thus reinforcing positive behavior.
  3. You could also use twitter to share class activities, connect with other educators in your vicinity using special hashtags, or collaborate with other classrooms by partaking in Twitter educational activities like travelling tale (@travellingtale)
  4. Use Twitter for polling, asking students their opinion on an issue, and discuss the results. This method increases class participation and can lead to greater engagement.
  5. Answer questions about homework. Students can direct message you a question that they may not feel comfortable asking in front of the class.
  6. Teach probability by polling students. Ask them what they think the chances are of a certain event happening, i.e. rain,  football team winning and graph the results.

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What do you think? Is it a good idea to incorporate Social media in your classroom schedule? If so, How else would you go about it?

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