Fresh Ideas To Stay Organized

A new year brings a new feeling, and for some of us, it’s an opportunity to rewrite all the wrongs we’ve committed in the previous year. Some start it by writing resolutions and those who are great at it look back at the previously set goals, its setbacks and make a well-detailed plan on how to achieve their newly set goals while improving on those setbacks. As a student, your goal is most likely to excel, and being an organized student is one of the necessary steps you’d need to take to be part of the A-list pupils in your school.

With the migration from 8 to 9, I’d like to give you not just 9 fresh ideas but 9 new and practical ideas that if implemented, wouldn’t just help keep you organized as a student but also as an individual in the society. Let’s get started;  

  1. Mind Sharp:

     The mindset is everything. I am sure you’ve heard the saying; “you can force a horse to the stream, but you can’t force it to drink water.” This is true, and it can’t be overemphasized. Although, this doesn’t apply only to being organized. Whatever you intend to do, dedicate your time and effort to achieve it. Moreover, nothing good comes easy, expect that there would be lots of setbacks but never give up. Tell yourself “I can do this (whatever the ‘this’ is)” and believe it.

  2. Friendly Notes:

     We all like to be the genius and store much information in our head. Often than not, we tend to forget the most important things even though a few hours ago, when we had the idea, we told ourselves; I would do it. We realize we left something out. So, get a pen and paper, write everything out no matter how irrelevant it may seem. A small task in school, a chore at home, a call to an aunt… have it with you at all time and as time goes on during the day you tick whatever you have achieved. You would find out that you would hardly put off things to the following day except it was not achievable.


  1. Time Factor:

    Time can be your worst enemy, and after 24 hours you feel empty. Have you ever wondered why there are timetables in schools? Imagine if it didn’t exist and each teacher comes to class whenever they like or leave whenever they want. Your favorite subject can automatically become boring/bland if you spent the whole day in school learning it, or don’t you think so?

In addition to your friendly notes, let’s make it cool together. I’d give you a sample of how you can plan your day; you can duplicate for other days and make changes where needed. However, remember, every minute counts, make sure you don’t spend it by being idle or doing anything that’s not beneficial. Here’s a sample below;  

Time Activity
6:00 – 6:30 am Wake up, pray, sweep, prepare for school
6:30 – 7:30 am Breakfast, read on my way to school
7:30 – 2:00 pm School: do a quiz or test with my buddy
2:00 –   2:30 pm Read on my way back from school
2:30 – 3:00 pm Finish my chores at home, shower and eat
3:00 – 3:30 pm Do my assignment and read
3:30 – 4:00 pm Help around the house if needed
4:00 – 4:30 pm Rest and pray or read
4:30 – 5:00 pm Rest or play
5:00 –  5:30 pm Prepare my items for the following day
5:30 – 6:00 pm Prepare for dinner
6:00 – 6:30 pm Help in the kitchen
6:30 – 7:00 pm Rest
7:00 – 7:30 pm Read
7:30 – 8:00 pm Read
8:00 – 8:30 pm Chores and preparation for tomorrow
8:3 – 9: 00 pm Dinner  and family time
9:00 – 9:30 pm Family time and chores (anyone that can save me time tomorrow)
9:30 – 10:00 pm Prepare for bed, say my prayers, check my list of things to do
10:00 – 6:00 am sleep


  1. Study, Rest and Yes, Play:

     “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” The human body was created to work and rest. You work too much, and you might find yourself dozing off while standing. You play too much; well don’t expect an A in those exams, same applies when you sleep always.

Allocate time to play, a board game, a chat with friends, a football game, anything that keeps you energized and rest too. Spend a few minutes a day with your thoughts, do nothing except maybe shuffle through your plans, dreams but don’t get lost in it. Having gone through the above phases (1 to 4), I’m sure you’ve allocated time to study. The problem most times is, when you return from school, you only pick your notes if there is an assignment else it sits in your bag or the bookshelf till the next class. When it’s time for exams or tests, you discover that most of the things taught in the first few weeks are gone from memory. Depending on your school’s pattern, there are two ways you can ensure that topics taught are not forgotten.

  1. Your books are in school, and you only get to take them home if there are assignments: This ensures that you don’t just spend time doing that assignment, you can also use that opportunity to read starting from the first week. Take your jotter and pen down whatever topic you decided to stop at so you would know where to continue from the next time.
  2. Your books are at home: This is superb. You can decide to follow the method given above or create a particular timetable for reading your books. Whatever your choice, make sure you read a topic at least a few minutes to your bedtime.


  1. Study Buddy:

    This is the best friend any student can ever have. Someone you can learn from who is also interested in learning more. This person helps you prepare for the test before the test. You can have synchronized reading planner; you read the same subject a day before after agreeing on the number of topics that should be covered for each subject. Then you set a test. I would advise you to make it as tough as possible for your buddy (you are helping), and whenever you’ve got free time, each person takes their time to answer the questions set. Now, when you’re marking, there should be a rule; “if you are going to mark me wrong, you must input the right answer” that way you are sure you can answer the questions you set, and when your results come, you would know where to improve on, Awesome isn’t it? You can learn other tips that would set you apart from your peers.

  2. Today Is The Day:

      Another thing we like to do is to postpone or procrastinate by putting off till tomorrow things we can do today. Put your items where you can find them as soon as you are no longer in need of them; add labels so you can remember, include them in your notes if possible. Before going to bed, always ensure that all the items needed for the following day are ready and packed, even the food you intend to take for lunch if possible. Doing this saves you time the next morning and doesn’t put you in a searching frenzy.

  3. Foodie, Fruity, Junkie:  

    We love junks (fried, baked and sweet food), hate vegetables and maybe like fruits, right? Sugar they say is good for a growing child, keeps them hyperactive perhaps that’s because they do much running and jumping around. You don’t need that anymore, at least not in high quantity, what you need is an active and sharp brain, and sugar makes you slow, and I know, you don’t want to be named ‘snail’ right?

    So, have an organized meal plan, eat your meals in the right proportion, especially your vegetables. Ask mum to pack fruit in your lunch and don’t trade them at school for junks.

  4. Chores:

      This has a way of ruining all your plans if not done at the right time. Lay your bed as soon as you get up from it. Sweep the room before you leave it. Take out the trash as you step out. As soon as you return from school, check everything is in order at home; things are where they are supposed, things are neat and tidy, empty drums are filled and so on. Whatever you know ordinarily are your chores. That way the time you have allocated for other things wouldn’t be affected.

  5. Fit-Fam:

    You’re not too young to keep fit or live a healthy lifestyle. You could go out for walks, be an active participant in sports activities in school. There are also many applications online which you can download. Follow their workout routines that give a feeling of being coached. Their timings for each routine is short, and the results can be amazing if you’re consistent.

Practice they say makes perfection. You would have challenges, but that’s what they are, challenges which you would overcome if you persevere. Rome was not built in a day. Be determined to be an organized student in the coming year and do include in resolutions you’ve made; you can send updates on your performance in school to us.

If there are any points to being organized that I have left out, please say so in the comment section, and I wish you a well organized 2019.

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