Editor’s Note:
Hello! We understand the importance of involving parents in children’s activities as well as school-parent communication as highlighted in this edition and we have made updates to SAFSMS Parent portal and SMS feature to reflect that. We would also like to appreciate our SAFSMS schools of the month for actively using SAFSMS as we continue to provide efficient support. Enjoy.
What’s Inside

Launch of the new SAFSMS Parent with child activities
As part of our plan to bring you the best features, SAFSMS is constantly undergoing updates that provide the best user experience.
The SAFSMS Parent portal has been updated to improve communication between School and Parents, making it easier to keep up with their child’s progress and development.
The Portal has 4 main features;

The New, Improved SMS Module

We’re excited about the upgraded SMS feature which is packed with new and easy ways of improving school-parent communication. You don’t have to worry about getting delivery notifications from unsent messages or duplicate numbers for similar messages and much more!
Here’s a short summary on some of the features that have been improved for your convenience:
(Download the PDF Newsletter to read the full update)
SAFSMS User Survey Report
As our valued customers, your concerns are important to us. We regularly collect customer feedback to gauge and improve our product and meet our user’s needs. Below are the results of our latest user satisfaction survey.
5% are extremely dissatisfied
12% are dissatisfied
28% are just OK
33% are satisfied
22% are very satisfied
SAFSMS School of the Month
‘SAFSMS School of the month’ highlights the top schools with the highest SAFSMS use monthly!
Importance of Parental Involvement in School Activities
Proactive Schools
Successful parent-school partnerships are not stand-alone, add-on programs. Instead, they are well integrated with the school’s overall mission. Typically, quality programs are developed in collaboration with parents and reflect their needs and interests. Offering multiple opportunities to hear information go a long way toward expressing a school’s genuine interest in parent input.
Successful parent-involvement programs typically develop in response to a specific need in the school or its community. A strategy that works in one school might not be the best choice for another. For instance, while a primary school in Abuja might establish a Parent Mentor program in which parents are designated to contact other families to tell them about school activities, another school in the same city might begin a program that allows parent volunteers to earn points toward rewards such as computers and other educational materials.
Before you go…
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Quiz answers & Winners will be announced in the next edition. Goodluck!
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