Being the top School Management Software in Nigeria, SAFSMS contains Powerful Features that Make it Easy to Bring Students, Teachers, Parents and Schools together.
School Management Software in Nigeria primarily helps schools reduce administration resources and streamline finances to save costs. Grow your school with SAFSMS
See real-time updates across school with powerful data analysis staff and students population, finances, attendance, events and meetings.

Easy budgeting & budget analysis. Petty cash, ledger, expenditure and revenue reports. Financial reconciliation

Finance Management
Powerful result analysis. See overall performance at a glance.
Subject strength analysis. Spot trends and problems.

Academic Overview
Approve stock-out
Powerful reports
Identify low items

Stores Management
Keep health records of all your students securely.
Manage clinic visits and prescriptions

Clinic Management
Use all possible combinations of criteria like the required average, minimum grades in different subjects as well as logical combinations of subject groups.

Promotion Management
Specify various grading systems for different sections and also adapt to changing formats subsequently.

Grading Management
Have unlimited flexibility in creating your assessment formats to be used by different sections to computes indices, interpret and assign grade.

Assesment Management
“For several years after inception, our worry was having all processes streamlined to curtail duplication of efforts and do away with excess time wastage”