Building community relations with social media Part 2

Building community relations with social media Part 2

Social media strategy for schools part 2 is a continuation of a post we started last week. See Part 1 here    “Social media is more proactive than reactive; schools today need to understand that.” Paul Hays – School Head, JPGS Twitter Teachers may use...
3. Create a Social Media Policy for your School

3. Create a Social Media Policy for your School

This article is part 3 in our 10 part Guide to Social Media for Schools Before you begin encouraging staff to use social media to help promote the school, we advise setting some boundaries on social media use. Staff will also probably appreciate some guidance on how...
Using Study Groups for Effective Learning

Using Study Groups for Effective Learning

As teachers, how do you make sure that you are  being involved with your students education considering the fact that , not everyone studies the same way. There are those who concentrate when there is peace and quiet, in tidy rooms. Some, who weirdly prefer studying...
Building community relations with social media Part 1

Building community relations with social media Part 1

Social media is quickly becoming one of the main forms of communication in schools. So, we at FlexiSAF think it’s smart for schools to go ahead and incorporate it in as one of the ways they connect with parents and the community. Only a handful of schools around...
Implementing a new School Management System

Implementing a new School Management System

Congratulations, you did it. You finally invested in a system that has been proven and guaranteed to give your school the edge you need over the thousands of other schools in the country. (If you haven’t, you should be reading these 3 ways you are losing with...