These are some tips for new teachers first day, whether starting out a career or moving to a new school, these tips are sure to keep you going. Beginning as a new teacher in a new school could be nerve wracking, especially if you don’t know what to expect. It’s not always a rosy job; students may be difficult to handle and no amount of preparation beforehand will prepare you for actually standing in front of a classroom to interact with students everyday.

Some common new teacher worries may include questions like “How should I greet them?” “What do I say to each student as they walk in?” “Did I overdress today?” “What if they think I’m boring on the first day?”

It’s almost as if all the preparation is completely forgotten and useless. While it may take some time to cement your position as a credible teacher in the school and to earn respect from students and colleagues, it doesn’t hurt to prepare.

Nevertheless, here are 7 important tips that every new teacher has to have at the back of their mind.

Recommended: What Type of Teacher Are you? Take this fun quiz now and find out!

1. Be yourself

You might have a plan to be tough, strict or you might even just want to be liked by students. But ultimately, the best plan is to just be yourself. Your students can spot when you’re trying too hard and it will prevent you from being able to relate with them organically.

2. Classroom Management

This can make or break your career, right from the beginning. It isn’t enough to just know what you have to teach, you should also be able to manage your students and keep your classroom in order. No one can learn anything in a chaotic environment. Find out these fundamental Principles of Classroom Management to help you get started.

3. Routines

Setting routines are very crucial in the first few weeks to months as a new teacher, so that your students know what to expect from you, and when. Stick to your guns and follow through with routines no matter what. These include regular morning activities after assembly for example, homework schedules and so on. Of course, you should give room for flexibility but overall, let your students know their routine from the beginning, and that you follow things through.

4. Sleep

As a teacher, one common rookie mistake you can make is to stay up all night trying to catch up on the days work; unless you have a serious deadline! There’s always going to be a ton of work left over each day, and the next, and the next. The only way to survive without constantly being worn out is to get enough rest, you’ll be more equipped to handle leftover tasks at work in the morning or later on.

5. Be Compassionate

If you plan to stand out as a teacher, then one trait you definitely need to have is compassion. Sympathize with your students and be there for them in difficult times. It might be hard but remember, you just might make a difference in one child’s life.

Read: 4 Tips on Becoming a memorable teacher

6. Keep learning

Learning and improvement is a must, in your personal life and career wise. As a teacher, there are going to be endless possibilities to learn new things everyday. Take them. Open up your mind to learning even from the students; you never know what they will teach you.

7. Organisation is key

To-do lists are your friends, make use of digital calendars, plan plan plan! Lack of organisation as a teacher could drive you crazy, and it won’t help your students either. Here are some additional tips from Owlcation blog to help you stay organised through the term. Good luck!




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